Question 2: (back)
Write a program that reads a line of characters from the user and displays that entire line after swapping upper case characters with lower case; that is, convert the incoming lower case characters to upper case and convert the incoming upper case characters to lower case. All non-alphabetic characters should pass through unchanged.
program Question2; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); begin Question2; stdout.put( "Enter a short line of text: " ); stdin.flushInput(); repeat stdin.getc(); if( al >= 'a' ) then if( al <= 'z') then and( $5f, al ); endif; elseif( al >= 'A' ) then if( al <= 'Z' ) then xor( $20, al ); endif; endif; stdout.putc( al ); until( stdin.eoln() ); end Question2;