Question 4: (back)
Write a program that reads a list of positive numbers from a user until that user enters a negative or zero value. Display the sum of those positive integers.
program Question4; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); static a: int32; b: int32 := 0; Done: boolean := false; begin Question4; repeat mov( false, Done ); try stdout.put( "Please Enter a Number: " ); stdin.get( a ); mov( a, eax ); if( eax = 0 ) then mov( true, Done ); elseif( eax <= -1 ) then mov( true, Done ); else add( eax, b ); endif; exception( ex.ConversionError ); stdout.put( "Illegal numeric value, please re-enter", nl ); exception( ex.ValueOutOfRange ); stdout.put( "Value is out of range, please re-enter", nl ); endtry; until( Done ); stdout.put( "The total of entered integers are: ", b, nl ); end Question4;