Question 1: (back)

Write a program to produce an "addition table." This table should input two small int8 values from the user. It should verify that the input is correct (i.e., handle the ex.ConversionError and ex.ValueOutOfRange exceptions) and is positive. The second value must be greater than the first input value. The program will display a row of values between the lower and upper input values. It will also print a column of values between the two values specified. Finally, it will print a matrix of sums. The following is the expected output for the user inputs 15 & 18:

add 15 16 17 18
15  30 31 32 33
16  31 32 33 34
17  32 33 34 35
18  33 34 35 36

program Question1;

#include( "stdlib.hhf" );
#include( "excepts.hhf" );

    a:  int8;
    b:  int8;
    c:  int8;
    d:  int8;
    e:  int8;
    cnt: int8 := 0;
    cnt2: int8 := 0;
    GoodInteger: boolean;

begin Question1;
        mov( false, GoodInteger );
            stdout.put( "Please enter a integer: " );
            mov( true, GoodInteger );
        exception( ex.ConversionError );
            stdout.put( "Illegal numeric value, please re-enter", nl );
        exception( ex.ValueOutOfRange );
            stdout.put( "Value is out of range, please re-enter", nl );
    until( GoodInteger );
    mov( al, a );
    mov( al, c );
        mov( false, GoodInteger );
            stdout.put( "Please enter another integer: " );
            mov( true, GoodInteger );
        exception( ex.ConversionError );
            stdout.put( "Illegal numeric value, please re-enter", nl );
        exception( ex.ValueOutOfRange );
            stdout.put( "Value is out of range, please re-enter", nl );
        if ( al < a) then
            stdout.put( "Integer value is too low, please re-enter", nl );
            mov( false, GoodInteger);
    until( GoodInteger );
    mov( al, b ); // Second Integer 'b'
    sub( a, al ); // Subtract First from Second Integer
    mov( al, d ); // Set subtracted answer to 'd'

    // Output the first row
    mov( b, al ); // set al = 'b'
    stdout.put( "add " );
    while( c <= al ) do
        stdout.put( c:5 );
        add( 1, c );
    // Output all other rows
    mov( a, al  );
    mov( al, c );
    mov( al, cnt2 );
    mov( d, ah );  // Set ah = 'd'
    mov( b, al );
    while( cnt <= ah ) do
        stdout.put( c:-4 );
        mov( a, bl );
        mov( bl, d );
        while( cnt2 <= al ) do
            mov( d, bl );
            add( c, bl );
            mov( bl, e );
            stdout.put( e:5 );
            add( 1, d );
            //stdout.put( cnt2 );
            add( 1, cnt2 );
        add( 1, c );
        add( 1, cnt );
        mov( a, bl );
        mov( bl, cnt2);

end Question1;